Detailed process for Limited Company Registration in India Registering a Limited Company is a cruci..
As soon as a business is set up and recruitment starts, there becomes an urgent need of job offer letter and appointment letter which is also referred to as Letter of employment or employment contract or employment agreement
We help new businesses and companies in customized drafting of Employment agreement by understanding the business of our clients. We help our clients in setting up the terms and conditions of employment, confidentiality clauses and various other legal provisions which keep our clients legally safe
At Businessmitra, a highly experienced team of Corporate lawyers help our clients in designing, formulating and drafting various other policy documents and governance related matters
Employment contract is an arrangement between employer and employee containing the terms and conditions of the employment including the liability of the employer and employee along with remuneration, wages and leaves etc
Employment contract is also referred to as Employment letter, Employment agreement or appointment letter
Employment contract are of many types which include Permanent employment or full-time employment, Part time employment and contractual appointment. Full-time employments are permanent in nature while part-time employment may be or not permanent in nature whereas contractual employments are always a temporary employment contract valid for a limited period of time