Detailed information and process for Trademark and Brand Protection in India Understanding Trademark..
TDS Filing-Quarterly TDS Deductions
TDS Filing 2024- Quarterly TDS Deductions 2024
Basic 10% Off
- Monthly filing of TDS
- Handling of TDS works
- Adding new employees
- Completion date: 28-01-2025
Standard 10% Off
- Monthly filing of TDS
- Handling of TDS works
- Adding new employees
- Approval and departmental works *
- Monthly support
- Completion date: 28-01-2025
TDS Filing 2024- Quarterly TDS Deductions 2024
TDS deductions from employee salaries are mandatorily required to be filed on a quarterly basis in a timely and efficient manner. TDS filing is a much important compliance for every organization and even for individual in certain cases. Non-compliance of TDS return filing attracts several penal provisions and hence timely TDS filings are very much important to keep the business in compliance mode
Best Chartered accountants and Consultants for TDS and TDS Compliances
We at Businessmitra, are able to handle large volume of TDS filings including all the statement, reports and management of all TDS related works. We keep a regular touch with our clients and the payroll team and maintain a regular co-ordination for handling TDS filing process in an efficient way
We also support our clients in handling departmental issues and representing our clients before the TAX authorities
- Monthly filing of TDS
- Handling of TDS works
- Adding new employees
- Approval and departmental works *
- Monthly support
- Completion date: 28-01-2025
- Monthly filing of TDS
- Handling of TDS works
- Adding new employees
- Approval and departmental works *
- Monthly support
- Completion date: 28-01-2025