The Agreement
1. The terms and conditions are construed as an agreement between the users and Business MItra (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") for the services provided through the website and information contained on the website The term user refers to visitors, clients, customers, vendors, associates of including any person accessing the website including manpower and staff of and its associates, affiliates and partners of the website and third party websites and its owners. The pronoun shall mean all the natural persons, legal persons, men, women, Companies, Employees, associates, affiliates, vendors, clients, customers, users, visitors including any person accessing the website. 2. Whereas the user accessing and browsing the website either through the URL of the website or through the links or hyperlinks anywhere else automatically accepts the terms and conditions, terms of services, privacy policies, terms of refund and cancellation and all other terms contained herein and legally bound by the terms and conditions, terms of services, privacy policies, terms of refund and cancellation and all other terms contained herein.
Contact Information
51. If the user has any questions or comments about these our Terms of Service as outlined above, the user can contact us or E-mail-
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